Friday, June 21, 2013

Pret's Cobb Salad


Since Pret opened a new location that's a stone's throw from my office, I've been a rather frequent patron. Their grab-and-go salads are fresh, convenient and healthy, especially when paired with Pret's Skinny Vinaigrette Dressing. When I'm pressed for time in between meetings, I often run over to Pret. The new location hasn't seemed to have caught on yet, so there's never been a line. You can read more about Pret in my first Pret-centric post about the Chicken & Avocado Salad.

Today was another of those hectic days, with little time available for lunch, so to Pret I went. I decided on Pret's Cobb Salad, which I'd never had before.

Pret's Cobb Salad from Pret A Manger
It's not a typical cobb, that's for sure. The cobb I've come to know and crave includes hardboiled egg, avocado, tomato, chicken, onion, bacon and blue cheese. How can I rattle off those ingredients? I use the mnemonic EAT COBB. Clever, eh?

But you can't use this mnemonic to remember the ingredients in Pret's Cobb Salad. Pret eliminates the egg, avocado, onion and bacon and adds apple, cranberries and walnuts. Fair trade? Not so much, I say.

Like everything else at Pret, all of the ingredients were extremely fresh and beautifully arranged, but the combination just didn't do it for me. I really wanted creamy avocado with crisp, salty bacon. I missed the zing provided by onions and the distinctive taste and texture of cold, hardboiled egg. I couldn't have cared less about the fruit, even though I ordinarily love cranberries in my salad. Not this time.

Maybe if I'd gone with a different dressing, like blue cheese, I would have been more enthusiastic about this selection. Pret's version registers 190 calories and would have boosted my lunch tally beyond my 500 calories maximum to 610 calories. With all the other tasty lunchtime salad options that come in under 500, I wouldn't make an exception.

I still love Pret, just not Pret's Cobb Salad.

Pret's Cobb Salad

Pret A Manger, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606

Grilled chicken (antibiotic free), blue cheese, apple, mesclun, grape tomatoes, cranberries, walnuts.

420 calories

$8.28 with tax

Not so much

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